Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A change of Plan

So this wasn't how the week was meant to turn out.
I had planned a trip to the museum, a visit to Coleridge's Cottage and a swimming excursion with Matthew. It was meant to be quality time.
Sarah was all set to attend a week long rehearsal with a county youth choir.
But after the first day, she decided the experience wasn't for her.
And so here we are back up on Exmoor.
The weather has been a mixture of sunshine and showers, but Silver the guinea pig still seems to be enjoying his run. Luckily there is a covered area for him to take shelter under from the showers.

The children are both in their cosy little 'lego room', totally engrossed in the imaginary world of their making.

As we approach the beginning of another school year, I have been giving some thought to some new beginnings.

I have been struck by the need to ensure that our plan of action is a collaborative one, and that the children are fully involved in the process of setting up a rhythm for the Autumn term.

So the target for tomorrow will be to hold a 'team meeting' and create an exciting learning plan.
Wish me luck.

I made an attempt this morning to open a discussion about how we would like our home to run.

I drew three hearts on a piece of A4 paper.

In the centre I wrote:

Be Kind

Listen respectfully

Find answers thoughtfully together

I hope this has opened a new and positive channel of communication, and a much more effective approach to learning for all concerned.

The children would like me to be less directive and more open to their ideas. So this is how we will operate from hereon in


  1. I loved reading your blog- just had chance to read yesterday's entry but really felt connected to what you had been doing and impressed how conscious you are of how simple activities relate to their education. I let Evie read that entry and she was chuckling away imagining all the things they were up to... Was a lovely time sharing it together

    1. Thank you for stopping by Christina and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it. I feel a little vulnerable putting our life experiences and my thoughts out there for others to share. It feels like quite a brave thing to be doing.
      I love the fact that you shared the posts with Evie, Christina and that she too is a part of our journey. Thank you for stopping by x I would love to see some photos of those yummy, scrummy cakes you make today x

  2. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read about our home school adventures. I am new to this type of blogging, but I hope that writing like this will be a journey of discovery for everyone who stops by.
    When I decided to start writing, I thought that I would have nothing to say!
    But as I began to write, my thoughts began to evolve and ideas began to flow.
    My pen began to take on a life of its own.
    I know that there are as many different ways of home schooling, as there are families who have chosen this life style.
    Our style is still evolving.
    Some readers may disagree with our approach.
    Please feel free to share your own experiences, but I would ask you to be a little gentle, and bear in mind that I do appreciate encouragement ....
    I wish all my readers happiness and blessings.
