Matthew couldn't stop smiling the whole way through, savouring every moment of the experience.
I am so glad that there was a space for us to join this activity when we did.
After the horse riding session, we had a little wait until Sarah's tennis lesson.
I can't remember for the life of me what we did to pass the time before the lesson.
But I know we went to make sure there was an indoor court available.
We were determined not to let rain stop play!
Success! We got back in time for Sarah to play tennis indoors.
While she played, Matthew enjoyed watching telly and drinking hot chocolate.
The life of Riley or what!
And then our friend Vicky turned up and we had a good natter with her.
Her son Andrew, who is the same age as Sarah, is helping to coach the junior tennis squad.
It is pretty impressive and always good to see children taking responsibility like that...
Mum was a glutton for punishment, as we returned to her house for the night as, the next day, we had our last Science and Art sessions of the year....
After dropping the children off, I drove out into the dark to pick up a couple of sacks of Bramleys from a remote address in Spaxton. It did feel rather foolhardy, as the weather was still rather treacherous. But I am glad I did it. I wanted to take some to offer to our friends the next day... It was good to be able to give something back and pass on the wealth as it were, even if the bounty had belonged to someone else ....
So on Wednesday 23rd, we travelled to Taunton for Science and Art, laden with a sack of apples....
In Science, the children explored different ways of getting an egg safely to space, which was great fun. Much hilarity was involved in their experiments and their ideas were tested out on the lawn...
In their Art lesson, the children took "a close-up look at a piece of Alce Harfield's beautiful artwork and the different textures and layers she uses", before creating their own "vibrant paintings"
For us, these were to be the last sessions of the year, as we would have to miss the final Art session and party the following week, This was rather sad, as the children were going to be looking at The Snowman paintings by Raymond Briggs. It would all be rather Christmassy too.
When we got back home later that evening, we enjoyed watching several episodes of Hank Zipzer together in the one warm room of the house. It was very entertaining.
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